Overseas Basketball Products and Resources: How I became an Overseas Basketball Player (2021)
how i became an overseas basketball player
I’ve invested in hundreds of products and services over the years for my basketball career.
From basketball training gear, to online training courses to self-help books.
Some worked, some didn’t.
But in the end all of these experiences helped me achieve my dream of playing overseas basketball.
I quickly realized what worked and what didn’t.
I double and tripled down on what did.
I’ve even created some products of my own if I felt others weren’t getting the job done.
I get asked all the time from players on what products, resources or training strategies I’d recommend.
This page is dedicated to sharing the best possible tools and resources I’ve encountered in my basketball journey.
Basketball resumes are an important resource when playing overseas basketball.
Professional Basketball Resume Templates:
Seven easy customizable resume templates for players to use. Made with the feedback of hundreds of overseas coaches and agents.
training tools (On-court)
Skinny Stick Blocker Pad: Great for simulating high-contests on shots, arm contact (reach-ins) and coordination drills.
Exercise Agility Ladder: Great for footwork, agility and hand-eye-coordination. Incorporate a basketball with it.
Dummy Defender: Great for simulating high-hand contests and getting arc on your shot to get it over the defender.
training tools (off-court)
Exercise Ball: Outside of weight training, the exercise ball may be the most important element for core strength and building elasticity.
Bosu Ball: Outstanding product for sharpening your balance, core and proprioception. All applicable to the basketball court.
Recovery tools (sleep)
Purple Bed Sheets: The best sheets I’ve bought that help regulate and cool body temperatures at night. Optimal sleep for better performance and recovery.
Douglas Mattress: The best mattress I’ve had. Note I’m a side-sleeper so it sinks a bit.
This is only made/shipped in Canada.
Why we Sleep: Great book for all players to understand why sleep is so important for our overall performance.
secondary Recovery (tools)
Handheld Roller Stick: Great tool for getting into tight spots to release built up tension/knots. Very portable also.
TheraGun Pro: Another great tool massage. Relax your muscles and do this before bed time every night.
books for unlocking a winning mindset
GRIT - by Angela Duckworth: Great book that breaks down the grind it takes to succeed in anything. Very relatable to overseas ball.
Make Your Bed - by Admiral William H. McRaven: Great book that makes you realize how you take accountability for your own actions/destiny.
Relentless - by Tim Grover: Former trainer of Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant breaks down the killer mindset you need to succeed.
Awaken the Giant Within - by Tony Robbins: One of my all-time favorite books when it comes to unlocking your potential and a winning mindset.
Total Recall - by Arnold Schwarzenegger: Unbelievable rags to riches story. So many good lessons in Arnold’s story. Truly inspirational read.
The Art of War - by Sun Tzu: One of the most popular books of all-time in business, sports and relationships. You’ll think more strategically on the court after this one.
The Hoops Whisperer - by Idan Ravin: Great book by one of the NBA’s most influential trainers. Learn inside his mind on how to train properly.
books for financial literacy
Rich Dad, Poor Dad - by Robert Kiyosaki: Best financial book for changing your mindset from employee to owner. Necessary for an overseas basketball lifestyle.
The Wealthy Barber - by David Chilton: If you have no financial background, start with this. Good job of giving the basics of investing for beginners.
The Wealthy Barber Returns - by David Chilton: Great for beginners again with more up-to-date advice than the original book.
The Milliionaire Teacher - by Andrew Hallam: Even if you don’t earn a fortune in your overseas career, you can still become financially secure. This book explains how.
Get Smarter - by Seymour Schulich: Great mentoring book for entrepreneurs between the ages of 20 - 40. Highly recommended!
digital income earning skills to develop
Adobe Creative Cloud: If you can master even a few of these programs you will substantially increase your chances of earning big money online.
Canva: Great online platform to do graphic designs, advertising and create an online (print) business.
Yeti Blue Microphone: If you are starting an online business with audio involved then this is a great addition to professionalize your presence/quality.
Jose Colorado is a 6-year professional basketball player helping others achieve their dreams of pro basketball with a proven and tested approach to overseas basketball.